My Wonderfully Crazy Writerly Life

Once upon a twenty-something-year-old’s life, a girl decided to write a book. It had love, swoony kisses, a little bit of angst. And it was perfect. Her mom even said so.

But, alas, she decided to put her secret project away to raise some dang cute kids (along with her dang cute husband.)

Storymakers headshot

Fast forward a few years to the start of a new (serious) journey into the world of writing–one consisting of a few (or several) pages of bleeding red ink, a handful of drafts, amazing critique partners, one GIANT scary leap into the land of querying, and that twenty-something-year-old girl is now an agented forty-year-old girl, er, woman, with her very first book coming out in 2019 with The Wild Rose Press!

Crazy, right?! For me it has been. It has also been thrilling. And a lot of hard work. And scary. And at times, crushing. In fact, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t have gotten this far without my writing friends, an incredible AP (accountability partner,) my family, and that dang cute hubby of mine. Seriously. Their love, support, and excitement for my stories and writing career? Hands-down heart-melting.

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This past month, I did a lot of thinking. And I decided one scary leap isn’t enough. If I’m going to trek this journey, I should explore it all the way. Which brings me (and you!) to my very first ever website. Do I know what I’m doing? Probably not at all. But it’s a journey, right? A crazy, writerly journey.

So, whether I’m soaring with the stars (sharing exciting book news!) or crawling in the mud (slogging through messy first drafts, the ten-magillienth revision, or even that dreaded nine-letter-word, rejection,) I’d love to have you along for all my latest news and shenanigans. Typos and all 😉 (Because apparently they love me.)



4 responses to “My Wonderfully Crazy Writerly Life”

  1. One of the Greatest Gifts in my life have been to watch a Most Beautiful Young Girl, my Amazing Daughter Natalee be One of my “Greatest Examples” & Always stay True to her Dreams & Values !!! Yes, My Natalee, you Are Already Soaringly!!!!! For me ur Writing is
    “Still Perfect” , Thank You for Sharing your Dreams with me !!! Love, Mom

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! Love you back!


  2. This is so amazingly perfect. *Squee* You’re tots official!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This Is Amazing


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